Male Infertility Specialist

J. Abram McBride, MD
Men's Health Specialist located in Colorado Springs, CO & Durango, CO
When couples can’t get pregnant, male infertility is either the primary cause or a contributing factor in 40% of all cases. As a men’s health specialist with extensive experience in male infertility, J. Abram McBride, MD, has the expertise to determine the cause and provide treatment that allows most men to have a child. If you need help with infertility, call his office in Colorado Springs, Colorado, or schedule an appointment online for a complete evaluation.
Male Infertility Q & A
What causes male infertility?
Male infertility occurs when men can’t get a female partner pregnant. The top causes of male infertility include:
Sperm disorders
Sperm disorders are the most common cause of male infertility. Oddly shaped sperm, sperm that can’t swim, and a low sperm count frequently lead to infertility. Additionally, some men don’t have any sperm in their semen, a condition called azoospermia.
Varicoceles are swollen, enlarged veins similar to varicose veins but found on your scrotum. These veins cause a low sperm count by affecting the ability to produce healthy sperm.
Male infertility is often caused by a blockage in the tubes sperm use to move through the testicles.
Retrograde ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen goes backward, traveling into your bladder instead of out of the penis.
Immunologic infertility
Though not very common, this type of infertility occurs when your body makes antibodies that attack your sperm.
Regardless of why you have infertility, Dr. McBride provides comprehensive treatment plans that can enable you to have a child.
How is male infertility treated?
Finding the reason for your infertility begins with an in-depth review of your medical history and your efforts to get pregnant. After a physical exam, Dr. McBride runs lab tests, including a hormone profile and semen analysis. He may also perform an ultrasound to look for blockages.
Your treatment depends on the cause of your infertility. Dr. McBride treats some causes of male infertility with medication, while other problems, such as a blockage or varicocele, are repaired with microsurgery.
When does male infertility require assisted reproductive technology?
Male infertility caused by sperm problems may require assisted reproductive techniques or technology, such as:
Intrauterine insemination
Your sperm are collected and placed in the uterus near the opening to the fallopian tube, giving sperm a better chance of getting into the fallopian tube to fertilize an egg.
In vitro fertilization
Your partner’s egg is removed, fertilized with your sperm in the lab, and then the fertilized egg is placed in your partner’s uterus.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
During this procedure, Dr. McBride removes sperm from your testicles, looks at them under a microscope, and chooses a single, healthy sperm that he injects directly into an egg. With ICSI, up to 80% of infertile men, including half of all men with azoospermia, can overcome infertility.
If you and your partner can’t get pregnant, call J. Abram McBride, MD, or schedule a male infertility appointment online.